Thursday, 15 October 2009

Regulation and Censorship and Media Technology and the Digital Revolution ...

Regulation and Censorship ...

BBFC - The BBFC has the ability to ban films. The BBFC mainly focuses on the certification of films, and debates whether or not a specific film should have a specific certification. This therefore may create moral panics within society as it can be argued that young children are allowed to watch films that they shouldn't be allowed to watch.

OFCOM - Ofcom is responsible for the control of what is shown on TV and radio. Viewers therefore have the freedom and ability to complain if they personally feel something is not suitable to be on TV or radio. Therefore programmes/documentaries/films that are shown on TV must focus very closely on their representations and stereotypes used. Mainly because viewers may take offence and this may conclude in the programme being taken off air. The digital takeover can be linked to this, due to idea that there are over 1000 channels on SKY TV And more than 200 channels on satellite. Therefore there may be a risk on what people can complain about due to the amount of TV Channels and wide range of programmes that are viewed.

Media Technology and the Digital Revolution ...

Firstly Media Technology has been wide spreading over the last few years. There are a wide range of platforms that people can access the media on or consider an aspect of media. Examples may be the Internet, TV, Magazines, Mobile Phones, Newspapers etc. The new age of media has allowed more people to access the media due to the range of platforms that the media can be accessed with. Therefore the media has taken an advantage tool as more people are becoming familiarised with the media. One example could be Sky Sports News. Sky Sports News is available on TV, Magazines, Internet, Mobile Phones and Radio. This therefore proves how easily accessible media is now becoming in order to suit viewers needs.

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