Monday, 9 November 2009

Mini Essays ..

Stuart Hall - Critical Investigation
Stuart Hall was born on the 3rd of February 1932 in Kingston, Jamaica. Hall is most famous for being a cultural theorist and sociologist focusing on a high extent on studies of black people within the United Kingdom.
There are many types of theories that Hall can be associated with. For example audience theory and reception theory. Firstly Reception Theory refers to the idea of the audience being actively engaged in the interpretation of media texts rather than as passive consumers. Therefore meaning that audiences decode media texts in ways that relate to their social and cultural circumstances and individual experiences. This therefore being linked to my critical investigation, i will be using examples of how contemporary global news and advertising can affect audiences, but specifically in the black ethnicity. Secondly audience theory refers to to the behaviour of audiences with regard to media texts and how they react to them. The main example of this would be the uses and gratification theory. This can be referred to as personal identity and also finding out about the world and the events that affect them. This therefore links to my critical investigation as this theory shows how people react to the events of gunk and knife crime taking place and within society, and also the reaction of the killings mostly being done by young black people.
Hall - 'The news' performs a crucial role in defining events". This quote is beneficial to my critical investigation as it allows me to focus in more depth how the news events of negative portrayals of black teenagers play a crucial role when viewing by the public. Crime statistics, in Hall's view, are often manipulated for political and economic purposes. Therefore meaning that gun and knife crime within society creates a moral panic due to the negative approach and public approach given.
How are Black Teenagers Represented Through Advertising and UK Contemporary News...
Recent high profile media coverage of such events has certainly raised public consciousness regarding knife crime / culture in Britain. Whatever the published statistics show, most people now appear to feel (with some justification), that knife crime is rapidly getting out of control, and that urgent tough action is required to curb it before it gets totally out of hand. This therefore links back to Halls view that the moral panic of specific events enables the public to get involved and change actions within society. In this case, stop gun and knife crime.

Examples of teenage events follow:

14 year old boy stabbed (serious but not fatal) outside of school - Birmingham - attackers believed to be from another school- 15 year old boy stabbed (serious but not fatal) at Bexley - a 16 year old male arrested- 15 year old Kiyan Prince stabbed to death outside of school in North London - a 16 year old male arrested

These 3 events show that all the attacks were taking place by teenagers and as I focused into more depth of the attacks, I also found out all attacks were taking out by black people, however linking this back to my critical investigation and the view that the media focuses more on negative representations within the media rather than positives, here is a clear cut example.

This link shows the People's March, supported by Crime Stoppers, The Mirror newspaper and London-wide radio station Choice FM. This march was done to show their support for the parents of gun and knife crime victims. However this event was hardly shown across the media platforms. Choice FM is a dedicated black radio station and shows support to the stop of gun and knife crime. This therefore can be linked to the idea that the Marxism view that the bourgeoisie are able to make the public have a reaction to what is shown to a higher advantage within the media. In this case more gun and knife crime attacks being reported live within UK contemporary global news, rather than more than a thousand black people marching in order of good justice.

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