2009 Season Finale Short Trailer
90210 Mainly focuses on teenage students attending high school as well as following their social life. This series is a spin off new series from the original TV series "Beverly Hills". Other characters that are represented are teachers, parents and family members.
Media Representations :
Shenae Grimes
'Annie Wilson'
Annie Wilson portrays a teenager whose life has changed dramatically since moving to Beverly Hills. Throughout the season Annie went through a emotional ride of both ups and downs. Her representations portrayed were mainly focused upon a young teenage girl moving into a fresh new area and high school. The main representations used by the character Annie were the control of her emotions when meeting new people and her adjustment with fitting into a new group of friends. Annie's clothing and physical appearance was also represented throughout the season as it connoted what type of personality and confidence she has. Annie's role in the program consisted of being a daughter, girlfriend, friend, sister, student, grand-daughter and enemy. Therefore there were many representations used throughout the season to connote the character she was playing in a specific scene.
Rob Estes
'Harry Wilson'
'Harry Wilson' plays a father, son, husband, headteacher and role model throughout the program. Due to the amount of positions Harry plays there are many representations used. Firstly the use of his professional clothing connotes the confidence and lack of immaturity he has. Also the importance of being a head teacher allows more representations to be used as his occupation is very important and serious. Harry has a very strong and loving relationship with both his children and wife and will do anything to make sure his family his happy. Harry not also has to look after his two children but also has a dozen of children within his high school,therefore there are many representations sued within the programme to connote how much he cares and how serious he takes education.
Tristan Wilds
'Dixon Wilson'
'Dixon' is the adopted son of 'Harry' and 'Debbie' and adopted brother to 'Annie'. He also plays a boyfriend and has very close friendships with his friends. Dixon is also very loyal and passionate towards his sports at school and also has a part time job. The role that Dixon plays represents mature teenage boys at the end of high school destined to do well in their future. Dixon also has women troubles therefore again representing teenage boys with relationships. Also the idea of Dixon being adopted enables him to have mixed emotions on thinking of his real parents. This represents the emotions that adopted children may go through.
AnnaLynne McCord
'Naomi Clark'
'Naomi' represents the typical popular high school beauty bombshell. Her clothing is her main representation as she wears a wide range of clothing that suits her personality. Also Naomi is the character that has the most history and past within the high school. She is the richest student however with no correct upbringing from both her mother and father. Naomi's lack of childhood is represented within the series and also her representation of her prerogative on boys is shown to an even further extent. Naomi loves men! Her representations therefore are very wide as her character focuses on finding the right man, however she never finds one!
Ryan Eggold
'Ryan Matthews'
'Ryan' plays a teacher in the school, that most students have personal conversations with and see him as a trustworthy friend and role model. Ryan also has love relationships within the series with different teachers and some students family members. The main representation that is used with this character portrays the idea of trust with teachers and students and also the idea that students can talk to teachers when they need to. However the idea that Ryan has love interests and seems to be a womaniser represents the mysterious and outgoing social life he lives away from educational doors.
Jessica Stroup
Silver's representations throughout the series differed by a margin compared to other characters. The main reason being that this particular season was focused on her emotions being 'Dixon's' girlfriend and struggling to keep up with her education. The idea of Dixon and Silver being from two different personality outcomes represents relationships that people may have be going through when their partner is the complete opposite to them. Silver in this season unfortunately turns out to have a unwell syndrome that enables her to be mental, again this is represented through her love with Dixon. Silver is also however a straight A student and is very passionate about her education and rights. Silver also is a loving friend and supports and gives amazing advice t her friends. As her character portrays two different worlds her representation of teenage girls not knowing how to fit into adulthood life is represented drastically.
Michael Steger
'Navid Shirazi'
'Navid' plays 'Adrianna's' loving boyfriend and backbone, he also plays a very humorous caring friend throughout the series. Navid's main role within this series is to help Adrianna through her pregnancy and to do whatever he can to make the one he loves happy for the rest of her life. The main representation that his character follows is someone who is destined to help and protect their friends and also a young teenage boy that is into obedient and well behaved behaviour rather than being a typical rebel. However as the series unfolds Navid finds himself going against his parents will in order to stay with his pregnant girlfriend. This storyline therefore represents the view of teenage boys not listening to their parents wishes and views.
Lori Loughlin
'Debbie Wilson'
'Debbie' plays the role of Harry's wife and Dixon and Annie's mother. Debbie's main representation focuses on a typical loving mother. However her relationship with her husband both agrees and disagrees with a typical wife and husband. The main reasons being that within their typical nuclear family there are many representation that prove that Harry has the upper breadwinner hand due to his occupation, however Debbie is devoted to her own private photography profession which therefore disagrees that she is a typical housewife. Debbie's other main representation within the series focuses upon her relationship with her children. She is determined for them to do well in school and lead the right and bright way towards their future, however she also believes that they should be free and have fun - causing strict arguments with Harry.
Jessica Lowndes
'Adrianna Tate-Duncan'
'Adrianna' plays the typical disobedient confused teenage girl. In this series Adrianna happens to be pregnant by a random school student. Navid her boyfriend has to deal with her pregnancy and lies. Adrianna finds herself changing to be a better person with Navid by her side. The main representations she follows is teenage girl being pregnant however finding her way back on the right side of the road with her friends and family's support. Adrianna's principles and problems represent situations that young teenage girls may find themselves experiencing and her character shows her the positive sides of getting through her problems rather than the negatives.
Matt Lanter
'Liam Court'
'Liam' is brand new to this series. Throughout the series the audience is determined to find out who his character is and where he came from. The main representation that is used within his character is the idea of a new student joining a brand new school with mysterious secrets in both his past and future. Liam and Naomi find themselves sexually attracted to each other but the main representation used is the idea of can he be trusted or can Naomi dig up his past. Liam represents a typical teenage high school rebel, however the audience is not to be fooled as he is a very hard working young student and a very clever A star student.
Connotations and denotations .. Throughout the series there are many connotations that may be enhanced by the viewers. One example would be when 'Naomi' is seen dressed in tight jeans with a half top. This may connote that she is self obsessed with her beauty as she is showing her skin and may love her outer beauty rather than her inner beauty. Her dress sense may also connote that she likes attention from people as she would expect people to notice her dress sense. An example of a denotation may be when 'Ryan' asks specific students to stay behind after class for a word. This denotes that he is very concerned with students and denotes his respect and concern he has with students and his ambition to make them to do an extra step better in their education.
Media Audiences..
The main target audience for 90210 is women 16 to 40 years old. The main reasons being because women may relate to the character that Debbie plays and how it is as mother to control your teenage son and daughter. Also parents that have adopted may be influenced by the show as the series consisted of two adoptions. Also due to the reason that this programme is a spin off to the legendary Beverly Hills this may attract a wider range of audicne as they may compare the old and new versions. My overall view on this programme and my evaluation of the TeX is that it portrays wide range of different perspectives of teenage life and growing up in high schools and what peer groups can do the individuals. The show also shows the importance of family life and also influences people to live life and enjoy it to the best of your ability.
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